Friday, February 24, 2012

Me, Myself, and I .... Craftasauras Rex

 My name is Jaclyn, most people call me Jackie (or Crack if you’re one of my sisters). I've lived in sunny California my entire life, and I'm still one of the palest people you'll meet. I was born on June 8th in 1985, to a family of my mom, dad, and older sister Darlene. I was the second child born, my parents added my younger sisters Robin and Nicole in the next nine years that followed. My mom is a nut, and had all four of her daughters at home with no drugs. Heck, I remember being excited the night Nikki was born, because I got to stay up late and watch Jay Leno. All while my mother gave birth in the next room, kind of horrific now that I’m thinking about it. 

                    Me and my older sister Darlene (left).

          I had a great childhood. Years were spent living on a cul-de-sac running the streets like a wild banshee, while the rest was spent climbing chicken coups and using my imagination in the trees. I was a tomboy for years. I chopped off all of my hair in the fourth grade, and spent months being asked “Are you a boy or a girl?”

          After graduating from high school, I got a job in customer service. It was at an HVAC company, and that’s where I met my husband. Matthew and I were married approximately two weeks before I accidentally got knocked up. Our entire honeymoon period was spent with me being fat and unsexy. Charlotte aka Charlie Bucket was born in January of 2008, and she just recently turned four.  Charlie is amazing, and already ten times smarter than her parents (she literally corrected her doctor last week).


  I adore crafts, and discovering new crafts. I took four years of ceramics in high school, and I still have a deep-seeded longing to do it again. It's the reason I started playing with polymer clay in the first place. I opened a shop on Etsy a few years ago for all of my creations, but have since switched to only selling wine charm sets. I also crochet, scrapbook, re-purpose, paint (badly), do a bit of woodwork, and other various projects and ideas I find across the internet.