Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Chandelier Plant-lets Off Etsy!

Last year I purchased these little plant-lets from an Etsy seller for the low rate of thirty cents (as free as you can possibly get on Etsy)! I paid the shipping ($2), and received a package filled with tiny newbie plants. Here's a little bit from her listing:

"Each (Chandelier Plant or BRYOPHYLLUM TUBIFLORA) plantlet is from one original plant taken from a razed line of row houses in the Freedman's Town section of Houston Texas. It is a small way to remember part of a unique community that continues to fade due to new construction. For more info see:"

Almost a year to the day, the plants are doing great! They even have their flowers now.

I just checked her shop, and she didn't have any listed. Just in case, here's the link to her vintage shop-

Aynart on Etsy

Of course Charlie wanted some action too.....