Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Added to My Bucket List

I love classical music, most of my Pandora stations are just that. Mozart is my favorite, and I get goose bumpy when I hear a violin or cello played well. I almost peed my pants when I heard eScala play Palladio on Britain's Got Talent, hot chics and strings are always a great match. 

Seriously, listen to it-


I recently found a group called The Section Quartet, and they cover newer songs. Their version of The Postal Service's "Such Great Heights" is amazing.

Alas, my new mission in life is to learn how to play the violin. I would also love to learn how to play the cello, but the instrument itself is so expensive! Start small, and invest later in the bigger one.

Bucket List

1.) Go to Europe
2.) Learn to play the violin

Yard Sale Addiction

I've been going to yard sales for the past year, and I can't believe I didn't start doing it sooner. I can walk up with a few bucks, and potentially leave with something awesome. I can see a yard sale sign from a mile away, and I follow them like they're treasure maps.

I've found so many cool items, and I even went to a couple of estate sales. Here's just some of what I've bought from my yard sale adventures (and I'm not even including the newer made finds aka fabric, books, toys, and even one cool crimper). 

One of my favorite finds, and first yard sales. These are what increased the hunger for my Saturday morning shopping days. Pyrex "Crazy Daisy" mixing bowl set- $2.00

I got this vintage typewriter at the same yard sale- $8.00

The record player credenza came from the same yard sale again, and it came with records- $30.00

Once again, the same yard sale... This "project" chair. I keep it in my room with a throw covering the seat. I plan on restoring it, you'll see it finished- $5.00

I love him. My owl drawing- $2.00

I don't know why I love it, my favorite cup- $1.00

I got this at the same yard sale. The lady I bought it from was retired teacher, she said it was 100 years old. She could have been nuts, but I liked it anyways. The frame is cool, it's carved/burned wood- $1.00

I originally bought this because I was going to reuse the canvas, and paint over it. I looked it up online, and it's part of a 950 piece set. Art prices keep changing, but last time I checked it was selling for over $180 dollars. Pretty good investment on my end- $5.00  

 My hanging unicorn head- $.50

The guy selling this little table was really sad to sell it, he said his wife was making him do it- $8.00

I love this tray! It's price tag said $20.00, I'm way too cheap for that- $5.00

One of my favorites. Vintage feather and veiled hat- $2.00

Charlie likes this one too.... "No mom, I'm Mrs. Nesbitt"

Wooden candle wall sconces, price tag still on. Purchased at a Boy Scouts rummage sale- $2.00

There is so much more I've found I could share with you, but then this post would never end. My goal is to fully furnish and decorate my house with items purchased at yard and rummage sales. I'm on my way.....

Snow in a Cooler....

Matthew brought home snow from work today, and Charlie made a snowman. Then we had a snowball fight on the porch, cold and awesome.

One Man's Junk....

A couple of days ago my husband was running a service call, and saw a bunch of stuff piled in someone's yard. He has the same addiction to free that I do, so he brought a bunch of stuff home for me.

His luck is better than mine, because he found some really cool stuff. 

I was so happy- Definitely a great husband moment.

A wooden hat rack

This hanging wood mirror


This fabric printed stretched canvas

These two awesome paintings. They're signed, but I couldn't find anything about the artist online. My Husband thinks that the guy tossing them out, could have even painted them. They're both huge! The first is my favorite.



I love free curb junk!

Tuesday, February 28, 2012

You Know You're Lame When.....

.... Your morning cup of coffee looks like this. I love Gilmore Girls, I own the series and have watched it too many times to count (I'd probably be embarrassed if I knew the actual number). Lauren Graham is a god- Why haven't they made a movie yet?

It gets worse, I have two other cups. A Luke's Diner and a Dragon Fly Inn mug. My coolness is off the charts right now!

New Blogs to Read.... Thanks Homies.....

I'm so glad it's that time of year again! The Homies are back on, and I have so many new blogs to read. This is where I found the blogs I follow, Design*Sponge and Young House Love. They have a few blogs I already read up for nominations, and I already want to nominate so many in the DIY section.

I really like Dollar Store Crafts and Hi Sugarplum!, and I already read Sawdust and Paper Scraps. I haven't even checked out the home design section, there are just too many good ones already!

The Homies- 2012

Friday, February 24, 2012

DIY French-Vintage-Inspired Wire Hamper

I've been searching different sites, looking for a nice hamper to buy. Leave it to to save my wallet, with a tutorial on building your own "French-vintage-inspired" wire hamper. I was also in the market for a hamper that has a dark and light compartments. I could just make two of them, and the wheels make them super easy to move around. 

Here's the link to the  article on

DIY French-vintage-inspired wire hamper 

I'll post the photos of the hamper me and Charlie built, after we get our supplies :)

Me, Myself, and I .... Craftasauras Rex

 My name is Jaclyn, most people call me Jackie (or Crack if you’re one of my sisters). I've lived in sunny California my entire life, and I'm still one of the palest people you'll meet. I was born on June 8th in 1985, to a family of my mom, dad, and older sister Darlene. I was the second child born, my parents added my younger sisters Robin and Nicole in the next nine years that followed. My mom is a nut, and had all four of her daughters at home with no drugs. Heck, I remember being excited the night Nikki was born, because I got to stay up late and watch Jay Leno. All while my mother gave birth in the next room, kind of horrific now that I’m thinking about it. 

                    Me and my older sister Darlene (left).

          I had a great childhood. Years were spent living on a cul-de-sac running the streets like a wild banshee, while the rest was spent climbing chicken coups and using my imagination in the trees. I was a tomboy for years. I chopped off all of my hair in the fourth grade, and spent months being asked “Are you a boy or a girl?”

          After graduating from high school, I got a job in customer service. It was at an HVAC company, and that’s where I met my husband. Matthew and I were married approximately two weeks before I accidentally got knocked up. Our entire honeymoon period was spent with me being fat and unsexy. Charlotte aka Charlie Bucket was born in January of 2008, and she just recently turned four.  Charlie is amazing, and already ten times smarter than her parents (she literally corrected her doctor last week).


  I adore crafts, and discovering new crafts. I took four years of ceramics in high school, and I still have a deep-seeded longing to do it again. It's the reason I started playing with polymer clay in the first place. I opened a shop on Etsy a few years ago for all of my creations, but have since switched to only selling wine charm sets. I also crochet, scrapbook, re-purpose, paint (badly), do a bit of woodwork, and other various projects and ideas I find across the internet.  

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Don't Judge Me..... I'm Awesome......

Over thirteen years ago, I was introduced to someone that changed my life… His name was Harry Potter. After weeks of mocking my friend Amber concerning her “children’s book choice", she dared me to read a chapter. While at a slumber party at her house I opened the Sorcerer’s Stone for the very first time; Fifteen minutes later she was bugging me non-stop to set it down and hang out with her again.
I was hooked.
The obsession grew from there; Books led to Bertie Botts Beans, the beans led to stationary, then to book bags, watches, figurines, snow globes, dolls, games, clocks, plush's, and so on…. I’ve cooled my heels a bit since I’ve gotten older, but I can’t wait for the day Charlie starts to read the books. She is of course banned from watching the movies until she reads the books first (The books are a million times better than the movies). Though my addiction has calmed over the years, I appreciate how much I enjoyed reading that series. I recall cuddling up in my room and reading for hours while eating Bertie Bott’s Beans and drinking cream soda (The soda was the Butter Beer, duh!). I’ve since read the series over a few more times- More times than I should-  I won’t tell you how many…
I was overjoyed when they first started building Hogwarts at Universal Studios Florida, but a little sad that it was so far away. I almost peed my pants when I heard that they’re building one now in Hollywood. Just think, we’ll be sipping butter beer at the Leaky Calderon in just a couple of years…. It really brings back the addict in me; I hope they let me dress up…
Thank you JK Rowling, thank you…. 

Drawerless Dresser to Awesome Craft Shelving

Thank you again for another amazing post!

How many pathetic looking dressers have have you passed on the side of the road? I've seen quite a few, but never had an idea like this! So smart, and pretty!


So Many Finches

While Charlie was playing on her Grandma and Grandpa's swing set, I sat down for a quiet break. The sun was warm, the breeze felt good, and there were about a hundred eyes staring down at me.... 

My mom loves birds, she even buys special seeds to attract certain types. Apparently I sat too close to their feeder, because there were tons of tiny yellow chested finches watching my every move. I took a picture, and only got a handful of them in the photo. Cute, but I was definitely outnumbered.

Chandelier Plant-lets Off Etsy!

Last year I purchased these little plant-lets from an Etsy seller for the low rate of thirty cents (as free as you can possibly get on Etsy)! I paid the shipping ($2), and received a package filled with tiny newbie plants. Here's a little bit from her listing:

"Each (Chandelier Plant or BRYOPHYLLUM TUBIFLORA) plantlet is from one original plant taken from a razed line of row houses in the Freedman's Town section of Houston Texas. It is a small way to remember part of a unique community that continues to fade due to new construction. For more info see:"

Almost a year to the day, the plants are doing great! They even have their flowers now.

I just checked her shop, and she didn't have any listed. Just in case, here's the link to her vintage shop-

Aynart on Etsy

Of course Charlie wanted some action too.....