Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Added to My Bucket List

I love classical music, most of my Pandora stations are just that. Mozart is my favorite, and I get goose bumpy when I hear a violin or cello played well. I almost peed my pants when I heard eScala play Palladio on Britain's Got Talent, hot chics and strings are always a great match. 

Seriously, listen to it-


I recently found a group called The Section Quartet, and they cover newer songs. Their version of The Postal Service's "Such Great Heights" is amazing.

Alas, my new mission in life is to learn how to play the violin. I would also love to learn how to play the cello, but the instrument itself is so expensive! Start small, and invest later in the bigger one.

Bucket List

1.) Go to Europe
2.) Learn to play the violin