Tuesday, March 20, 2012

DIY Birdcage Veil and Fascinator

This May in beautiful Aruba, my friend Ashley is getting married. Her fiancĂ© Omar is a long time good friend of my husband, and he has great luck when finding a wife. Ashley has great style, and she’s decided on a beautiful up-do with a birdcage veil and feather fascinator.

She’s pretty crafty so she decided to make it a DIY project, and she invited me to help. We both watched a few tutorials, and she picked up a few materials from the craft store.

-Feathers (your choice) he chose soft spinning white and beige feathers with a peacock blue feather undertone.
-3 fabric flowers
-3 rhinestone embellishments
-Stiff felt
-diamond veil fabric
-Fabric covered hair clip
-Hot glue gun
-Needle and thread

We started with the shape of the feathers, and made the cap pattern according to what looked to be the best fit. I cut out a pattern in a drop shape, and transferred it to the stiff felt. After cutting out two exact pieces of the felt, we took turns sewing the hair clip to one of them.

Ashley arranged the bottom layer of feathers in the shape she needed, and we attached them to the other felt using the hot glue gun. She kept designing her layers, and it came together beautifully.

We man-handled the tacky pearls from the fabric flowers, and attached the sparkly embellishments to their centers. Ashley arranged the flowers on the feathers, and we secured them with hot glue.

Ashley threaded a line through the top of the diamond veil piece, after cutting a bit off the sides. She just held and pulled the string through the holes of the fabric, and the veil gathered into the right shape. Finally, we glued the two stiff felt pieces together.  We were finished.

…… Well, finished with the main piece. We used the leftover scrap pieces to shift a feather clip for Charlie. She adores it, and it came out really cute.