Monday, May 20, 2013

Chevron Striped Tray- DIY

 I had this little unpainted wooden tray from Michael's, and I wanted to try my hand at a chevron stripe. 

- I painted the outside of the tray yellow and the inside white.

- I used a ruler to make equal squares on the white. I then used the ruler to connect one corner of the square to the other. I used a pencil and my hand kept rubbing, so the white got completely dirty.

- I taped off the stripes that were going to be white, and then painted them. After it dried I did the same for the gray.

-I pulled off the tape and I was disappointed, the tape let a lot of the paint seep through to the white.  

- I wanted clean lines and had no intentions of re-taping the stripes. I used gold glitter to clean up the lines.

It's not my favorite project, but it still looks pretty cute. Now I use it to throw my keys into when I get home, at least it has a purpose. What do you think?