Sunday, January 9, 2011

Fake Food For Every Room in the House

I have so many rooms to decorate, and too many ideas to fill them. I'm tackling this house one room at a time, and Charlie's bedroom is numero uno! I was just browsing housewares on, and I was stoked with how awesome the food inspired decor is. I'm half-way certain I want to do a cupcake themed bathroom now.
Check these out, I love Etsy!

Click on the title, and you'll go straight to that item on Etsy.
Happy shopping!

 I bought one of these sets for my sister Robin and it was amazingly adorable!

This seller is amazing! I purchased one of these cupcakes and a set of mini cinnamon rolls- Words cannot describe how cool they are, they smelt just like cupcakes and cinnamon rolls!

I can't believe this is soap!

I want one of everything... and so much more!